Worried about having oral implants fitted? Five FAQs answered by High Dental Implants in Melbourne

Unless you have been living in a cave, it is likely that you have heard the buzz about oral implants.

high-dental-implants-in-melbourneA relatively new procedure that has taken the place of many dentures and fitted bridges, these nifty prosthetics offer patients a new set of teeth that function and look just like the real thing. Fitted to your jaw, implants are secure and are unable to move, so there is no need for denture glues or protection for your gums against friction.

However, it is likely that upon reading that last paragraph you focused on one part. The oral implants are fitted to your jaw. This simple fact alone has caused many dental patients to refuse treatment with oral implants and is often the focus of many horror-based articles online.

When you come to High Dental Implants in Melbourne, our team can fit your implants with ease and will aim to make the experience as pleasant as possible from start to finish. As our dental team knows everything about oral implants, you can rest assured that you are in good hands and that the final result will look and feel amazing. What more could you want?

To give you a bit more reassurance, our team at High Dental Implants in Melbourne have answered your top five FAQs about oral implants.

How long will the fitting take?

This will depend on how many implants you are having fitted.

Placing a single implant can take up to an hour. If you are having multiple implants attached to your jaw, our team may decide to spread out your appointments.

From having your implants fitted to having your prosthetic teeth placed can take between 3-6 months.

Will it be uncomfortable?

During the fitting, our team at High Dental Implants in Melbourne will ensure that your mouth is sufficiently numbed, so you should feel no discomfort.

Post-fitting, you may feel something akin to bruising, but this should resolve in a few days.

Do I need to do anything before the implant is fitted?

No, you don’t.

Just make sure that you turn up on time and our team will do the rest!

Will I need a follow-up appointment?

After oral implants are fitted, our team will want to see you about a week afterwards to ensure there is no infection or any complications.

Once we are happy there are no issues, we will book an appointment to assess the stability of your implant(s) in about 3-6 months’ time.

What foods should I avoid after the implant is fitted?

Once your implant(s) are placed, you should avoid spicy foods, hard foods, alcohol or smoking.

The spicy foods will irritate the gum line, which can lead to painful inflammation. Hard foods may cause the implants to become unsteady and can lead to implants falling out. Alcohol and smoking should be avoided for as long as possible, as both cause thinning of the gum line which can, once again, cause the implants to come loose and fall out.


All surgical dental procedures carry potential risks. Contact your local dentist for more information about the treatments mentioned in this article.