Want to have dental implants fitted successfully in Melbourne?
If you have suffered from underconfidence due to gaps in your smile, you may have felt that all your Christmasses came at once when oral implants became accessible and affordable for the average person.
Once only reserved for the rich and famous, oral implants are a sturdy, long term solution for missing teeth and cause little to no rubbing or sores on the gum line. Feeling like natural teeth, many wearers report an improvement in their bite strength and precision, while also benefiting from the confidence boost of having those pesky gaps concealed.
However, as impressive as oral implants are, there are lifestyle factors that can impact on their long-term success.
When you come to our team for dental implants in Melbourne, we can advise you on the most appropriate lifestyle changes to ensure your implants last a long time. At High Dental, we know everything about oral implants and aim to ensure that all of our patients have a long, healthy and happy life with their restorations. After all, no one wants to suffer from premature loosening or loss of their new smiles!
So, as a rough guide, what should you avoid to keep your dental implants in Melbourne healthy after they have been fitted? Read on to find out.
A big no-no with oral implants is the smoking of tobacco or any other product.
As smoking creates inflammation of the gums, this can cause secondary issues such as gum disease. As you may have guessed, gum disease is not great for your natural teeth and can lead to loosening or total loss of implants due to swelling and receding.
If you want your dental implants in Melbourne to last, avoid or vow to quit smoking once they are fitted.
Not as detrimental for implants but still not great, excess consumption of alcohol can once again cause issues with your gums.
Similar to smoking, alcohol can create inflammatory problems or recession of gum tissues, leading to unstable implants that are more likely to fall out.
If you regularly drink alcohol but want a healthy set of implants, you will need to cut back!
Oral neglect
A common misconception among many dental patients is that once the implants are fitted, they do not have to be so strict about their oral hygiene.
However, if you fail to brush your teeth regularly and do not attend visits to our team at High Dental twice a year, then your oral health will suffer.
While this has an obvious impact on any natural teeth, it will cause your implants to prematurely fail.
Poor diet
And last, but certainly not least, if you are fond of sugary drinks or have a poor diet, you may need to cut back post-implant fitting.
Similar to the other lifestyle factors in this list, sugary foods can cause inflammation of the gumline or decay of your natural teeth. If you have a natural tooth extracted, it can cause any neighbouring implants to destabilise and completely fall out.
All dental treatments carry potential risks. Contact your local dental team for more information about the procedures mentioned in this article.