The solution to lost or missing teeth? Dental Implants in Melbourne

Nobody likes to think about getting injured. For many of us, it is an inherently frightening thought and because of that, it is something we try to avoid thinking about. Sadly though, no matter how much we try to avoid thinking about it and how much we take precautions to avoid an injury from happening, it is still often possible for an injury to take place which can cause both long term and short term harm to a person. Our teeth are a good example of an area of the body wherein an injury can cause both short term and long term harm. The short term harm comes from the immediate pain that is felt upon suffering a dental injury, while the long term harm comes from the after-effects, such as losing a tooth, or multiple teeth. Losing any amount of teeth can be a very serious dental emergency as it can make ordinary, everyday activities such as eating, drinking or even talking more difficult and potentially quite painful. This is why it is very important to get in contact with a dentist as soon as possible if ever losing a tooth. A dentist will be able to inform their patient of possible restorative procedures that they can have, one of which is likely to be Dental Implants. There are a whole host of benefits that come with having Dental Implants, not least because of how they can allow a patient to eat, drink and talk with confidence. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what is entailed by getting dental implant treatment and give more information about the benefits of such a

One other thing we should talk about though is where to go to get Dental Implants in Melbourne. While there are a few different available options, if you are looking for a trustworthy dental practice with substantial experience then you may wish to consider High Dental Implants Melbourne. Here at High Dental Implants Melbourne, we are a knowledgeable and caring team of dentists led by Dr. Nicholas Hii. Thanks to Dr. Nicholas Hii and his team, our practice always puts the patient first, and by looking for, and investing in, new dental technologies our practice is continually improving.

The science behind the treatment

Dental Implants in Melbourne are small metal screws that are placed into the jaw in the position of a missing tooth. These screws allow crowns, bridges and dentures to be placed on top of them and fixed into the mouth, thus creating the appearance of a natural, healthy-looking mouth full of teeth.

One of the major advantages of this treatment is that the metal screws stimulate the bone to grow and mesh with the metal around the teeth and gums. This is advantageous because often when someone has lost a tooth (or teeth) then their jaw bone starts to resorb and disappear over time. Therefore, this treatment prevents the jaw bone from resorbing and thus stops a patient’s face from having a “sunken in” look to it.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.