Replacing dentures with dental implants Melbourne
Many people, especially the elderly replace their missing teeth with dentures. Dentures are a popular method of tooth replacement therapy however thanks to advances in dental technology there are more convenient and permanent methods of replacing your missing teeth such as the use of dental implants Melbourne. If you or your loved one are struggling with your dentures then speak to us at high dental implants Melbourne and find out how we can help you with dental implants Melbourne. We can use dental implants Melbourne to replace one missing tooth or we can use dental implants to replace all of your missing teeth.
Advantages of dental implants
If you have lost all of your teeth or have had to undergo teeth extraction then we can replace all of your teeth here at High Dental Implants Melbourne. Dental implants Melbourne are a permanent solution for tooth replacement. They restore the appearance of your smile as well as the appearance of your face. Tooth loss can affect the shape of your face and it can give you an aged appearance whereas dental implants replace your missing teeth and restore youthfulness at the same time. Dental implants help restore the function of your mouth so you are able to eat the food you enjoy once more. Dental implants allow you to bite and chew your food confidently and digest it more effectively promoting better digestion at the same time. Dental implants also allow you to speak clearly once more as speech is often affected by tooth loss especially if you lose all of your teeth.
Replacing your dentures with implant retained dentures
Here at High dental implants Melbourne we try to use a minimum number of implants to replace the maximum number of teeth. Rather than replacing your missing teeth with dentures, we can create a non removable implant bridge that stays in your mouth so that you have a permanent fixed replacement for your missing teeth. The dentures are fixed securely in place avoiding any discomfort or embarrassing situations. You do not have to worry about your dentures falling out, losing them or forgetting to put them in your mouth in the first place. Implant retained dentures are an excellent alternative and they are now one of the most popular choices of replacing missing teeth.
Speak to us at High dental implants in Melbourne about implant retained dentures and find out whether or not they are suitable for you. You will undergo an examination of your gums and jaw bone and we will carry out an intra-oral scan and X-rays of your mouth to assess the quality and the quantity of your jaw to see whether or not there is sufficient healthy bone to hold your implants in place. This is because tooth loss can cause bone loss however if you have been wearing your dentures then this may have been avoided. If you have been affected by bone loss then we can talk about bone grafting which may be able to help you undergo successful implant surgery. Visit our practice soon and let’s see what dental implants can do for you.
All treatments carry risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.