Replace your missing tooth with a dental implant Melbourne

When a single tooth is lost due to decay or during an accident it can be extremely distressing.  This can be especially true if it is a front tooth and normally visible when you smile. Having a gap in your smile can lead to all sorts of concerns and even leave you feeling like you don’t want to smile in public, but at High Dental Implants Melbourne we have a solution. You can get a single dental implant Melbourne to fill the gap in your teeth and completely restore your smile. This treatment works by using a small titanium screw that has been inserted into your jawbone. Once your mouth has healed around the screw you will have a crown attached to it and this will complete your look. The crown itself is made of porcelain, so your new tooth will feel and look exactly like your original one. It will also be created to blend in with your other teeth as much as possible, so it will not stand out or be easy to spot that you have undergone treatment.


Have you knocked out your tooth in an accident?

In some cases when an accident occurs you may be able to avoid getting a dental implant Melbourne and your actual tooth may be able to be restored instead. For this to be an option you must ensure that you have first managed to find your tooth after it has been knocked out and then make an emergency appointment as soon as possible. However, there are things that you can do to ensure that you stand the best chance of restoring your tooth before you arrive at our practice for your appointment. It is vital that you store your tooth in some of your own saliva or some milk if you have any readily available. This will keep your tooth clean and free from bacteria, preventing damage from occurring. How you hold your tooth is also important. When picking it up you should make sure that you are only touching the crown, the white part of your tooth. At the other end of your tooth is the root, and if you touch this it may damage it and prevent your tooth from being able to be restored. You should never try and put your own tooth back into its socket, but if it slots in gently you can use a damp cloth to keep it in place until you get to your appointment.

What if you are missing multiple teeth?

If you are missing more than one tooth it does not mean that you cannot benefit from getting a dental implant Melbourne. The treatment itself is incredibly versatile and can be tailored to suit your individual needs. If you are missing several teeth in random locations within your mouth it is likely that you will have multiple crowns attached to your screws to complete your smile, but there are other appliances available for if you are missing a larger number of teeth too. A bridge is often used for several teeth that are missing in a row next to one another, whilst a partial denture or denture is used to replace an entire row or set of missing teeth.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.