Recently had oral implants fitted? A guide to aftercare by High Dental Implants in Melbourne

So, you’ve had your oral implants fitted and are already planning the different selfies you want to take when you get home. Good for you!dental-implants-melbourne

While it can seem that once the implants are placed there is nothing else to worry about, this can be quite far from the truth. After every surgery, specific aftercare is required to ensure that there are no complications and to promote faster healing. And, as is often the way with all things dental, there is a fairly long list of things that can impact negatively on your new oral implants. Therefore, it is essential to be clued in on the steps you can take to reduce chances of infection, while also ensuring that your new implants last a long time.

At High Dental Implants in Melbourne, when you come to our team to have your oral implants fitted, we will inform you of all the aftercare required to keep both your oral and general health in top shape. Of course, we are aware that sometimes things can go awry for no reason and so, we want to reduce the chances of you needing an emergency appointment with us.

Therefore, what are some of the most commonly asked aftercare questions our team get asked?

How can I promote healing?

The best way to promote fast healing after implant surgery is to practice good oral hygiene.

This will involve brushing your teeth twice daily, flossing and keeping any follow-up appointments with our team at High Dental Implants in Melbourne. Also, it is best to avoid drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes for at least 2 weeks after your implants are fitted.

Can I take painkillers?

It is likely that after your implants are fitted, you will notice some discomfort, which should resolve on its own.

If you need to take over the counter painkillers, aim to take an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen, to reduce the swelling around the implant site.

How will I know if my implant is infected?

Infections are a risk with most oral surgeries and implants are no exception.

If you notice a foul taste or smell that does not go away after brushing, you may have an infection. Keep an eye out for any unusual swelling, colouring around the implant site and take your temperature to check for fevers if you are concerned.

If you have an infection, you will need to see our team as soon as possible.

Can I brush my implants?

Avoid brushing directly on the implant site until the area is fully healed.

This will promote faster healing and will not cause inflammation.

When will my implant site be healed?

This depends on how many implants were fitted and if you have stuck to the aftercare advice from our team.

Your implant site should be fully healed within 2- 4 weeks post fitting. If you have concerns that it is taking too long to heal, get in touch with us through our website.


All dental treatments carry potential risks. Contact your local dental team for more information about the procedures mentioned in this article.