Reasons why an oral implant may fail

Want to know more about the causes of oral implant failure?dental-implants-melbourne

At High Dental Implants, we’ve placed hundreds of dental implants Melbourne and will always work proactively with you to help you with your newly fitted prosthetic teeth. Great!

Here, our team discusses the most common reasons that a dental implant Melbourne may fail and how we as a team will work towards fixing it. Enjoy!

Gum disease

A key reason that your dental implant Mellbourne may fail is due to gum disease.

As it stands, gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults globally and sadly, implants are not immune to the devastating effects of this disease.

In the earlier stages of gum disease (bleeding gums, swelling), we will aim to treat the problem using a scale and polish, to remove the offending plaque and help your implants to stay in place. If the disease is more advanced, we may aim to prescribe targeted mouthwashes and toothpaste alongside the deep clean.

In the most advanced stages, we may be left with no choice but to remove your implant(s). Let us hope it never gets that far and if you ever suspect that you have gum disease but you have implants fitted, please contact us immediately.

Bone weakening

This can happen if you have a history of disorders like osteoporosis. Or it can just happen due to ageing.

But the signs of your jawbone weakening and your implant(s) being affected will almost certainly look like your implant moving, feeling loose or being painful to eat with. Should this happen, you will need to see our team for an assessment and x-rays.

If we determine that the bone is too receded, we will remove the implant and suggest a different restorative such as dentures, bridges or perhaps even a different type of oral implant such as subperiosteal.


Infections with oral implants are rare but when they happen, they can be problematic.

If they occur due to the gum moving away from the implant, the infection can occur at the base of the implant, causing the bone to change shape and loosen the implant that has fused.

Should this happen, we may need to remove the implant to perform a very unique type or endodontic procedure and you may need a course of antibiotics. Typically, infections that do occur with oral implants happen on the gum line, which is much easier to treat.

Incorrect placement

Our team will always ensure that when you have an implant fitted with us that it is in the correct place.

But if you had your implant(s) fitted some time ago or you had them fitted abroad, incorrect placement can be a factor that can cause them to wobble and fall out. In these instances, we will remove the implant and aim to place it somewhere more suited, provided that your jaw bone can support the movement of the implant.

Lack of check-ups

OK, we know we bang on about our patients needing to attend general dental checkups with our team every 6 months (they are important!), but when you have oral implants fitted, during the period when they are fusing, you will need to see us every few weeks.

Failure to do so can result in any of the aforementioned issues being missed at a stage when they may have been treatable and reversible. And so, to prolong the longevity of your implants and to ensure that they fuse, you need to keep up to date with your appointments.


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.