Need some help with the aftercare of dental implants? A brief guide from our team in Melbourne

Have you just been given the green light to go ahead with oral implants? Good for you!dental-implants-in-melbourne

Not only will oral implants provide a stable and aesthetically pleasing alternative to a gap in your smile, but they will also promote better oral health and jawbone regrowth.

But if you are like most people before the process has even been scheduled with our team, you will have some questions pertaining to the aftercare; will it be uncomfortable? How do you manage a newly fitted implant? What do you do if you are a smoker?

At High Dental Implants in Melbourne, we have assisted hundreds of dental patients with their aftercare of oral implants and know all there is to know about keeping you and your mouth healthy following this procedure. We can offer you personalised tips and guidance to keep your implants fusing on schedule and, as always, if you have any further questions, all you have to do is call us.

So, what are some of our team’s tips for the aftercare of dental implants in Melbourne? Read on to find out!

Saltwater rinses

As odd as it may sound, once you have had dental implants in Melbourne fitted, we will advise you to keep the implants site free from brushing and mouthwashes.

You will have to brush your other teeth (we suggest investing in a soft toothbrush in case you accidentally brush the implant site) but in order to keep the implant site clean and free of infection, you should use a lukewarm, saltwater rinse. This will prevent the site from becoming aggravated by brushing and will promote healing.

Soft foods!

Once again, to promote healing and prevent movement of the implants, it is important to consume soft but nutritious foods.

Aim for boiled vegetables, fruits, soups and soft foods like cooked pasta. In the meantime, keep in touch with our team to ensure that your progress is monitored, allowing us to advise you about when to wean back onto harder foods.

Pain relief

Of course, you will probably need pain relief following the fitting or oral implants.

We have found in our extensive experience of assisting patients that over the counter pain relief like paracetamol is often best to relieve discomfort and promote faster healing. Avoid the use of ibuprofen and aspirin, as these can thin the blood and encourage bruising and swelling.

No smoking or drinking

Smoking of cigarettes and consumption of alcohol should be avoided after the fitting of oral implants, as both cause gum recession and inflammation, which can shorten the lifespan of oral implants. Yikes!

If you can’t give up smoking by yourself, contact our team for guidance and smoking cessation.


It is essential for your health and the longevity of your implants that you stay in close contact with our team.

We will need to see you regularly as the implants heal and fuse to your jaw, so please, aim to keep all appointments made by our team.


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.