Multiple dental implants in Melbourne

Losing all of your teeth in old age is a daunting concept that many are afraid of. Thoughts and concerns about a set of dentures falling out are at the forefront of many people’s minds when they are faced with having to have the last of their teeth removed. These concerns are understandable, but with dental implants in Melbourne, we can secure all of your new beautiful teeth on only 4 implants, which makes getting false teeth potentially far less time consuming than it was

Multiple implants

This technology that uses the best in 3D imaging like CT-scans to decide where best to place the implants is a guaranteed way to get a full set of stable and permanent teeth that best fit your mouth. No longer will you have to hold back laughter or be concerned about the types of foods you can or can’t eat. This proven process that stabilizes dentures can change your life in so much as giving you the confidence to live as freely as you once did before losing your teeth.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are the best way to get a fixed set of teeth as well as ensure the bone health of your jaw. Loss of bone density is a normal part of getting older, however when we are missing teeth that bone loss is exacerbated as the body thinks the jaw no longer serves a function of holding the teeth in place so it begins to slowly dissolve the bone. This is far from ideal for a number of reasons but the chief one being that your cheeks and lips will become to be more sunken inwards making you look much older than you perhaps are. But with dental implants in Melbourne we can change all this:

By inserting a small piece of titanium (this is what the implant is made of) into the jaw bone, we can trick the body into thinking there are teeth once more and not only will it prevent further bone loss but ever reverse any bone loss you’ve already had by encouraging the bone to grow back and fuse onto the titanium.

How long will it take?

Every patient is different, so each surgery required to place an implant may take a different length of time. Your surgery for 4 implants may take around four hours but don’t let this scare you, we offer sedation for nervous patients and understand that this is a long time for anyone to have to sit and endure so we will make you as comfortable as possible.

While we can’t tell you how long your particular surgery will take, we can tell you that the healing time is 6 months, during which you will be provided with a temporary bridge or denture to restore your smile while you wait for your jaw bone to fuse with the titanium – this does not hurt at all and you will not feel this natural bodily process. At a second appointment after your body has healed we will fit your new secure set of teeth to the dental implants in Melbourne and send you on your way to living your life with the freedom that comes with having a fixed set of teeth.

Disclaimer: All treatment carries risk. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.