Heard that having a dental implant is uncomfortable? Myths debunked by High Dental

You may be that 1 in 7 adults who are missing 1 or more of their permanent teeth.dental-implants-in-melbourne

And like the 1 in 7 adults, you probably want a way to restore the aesthetics and the functionality issues left behind following the loss of your tooth or teeth.

It is also likely that you have heard about oral implants; a permanent solution to missing teeth that is fitted to your jawbone and fuses, allowing for a stronger bite and more reliable aesthetic. But you may have also heard that oral implants are uncomfortable to fit and can interfere with metal detectors.

At High Dental, we know all there is to know about the fitting of a dental implant in Melbourne and can answer any queries or address any myths surrounding this procedure that you may have heard about. We will help you after the fitting to ensure the implant fuses correctly, while also making sure that your other teeth remain in good health along with your gums.

So, what are some of the most prevalent myths relating to the fitting of a dental implant in Melbourne and what is the truth behind them? Read on to find out.

You can’t get implants while you are pregnant

Technically, pregnancy isn’t contraindicated when it comes to having a dental implant in Melbourne fitted.

It may be better to wait until you have delivered your baby to have this procedure; pregnancy can cause an array of issues with your oral health which may heighten the likelihood of implants failing.

You can’t fly with oral implants

Yes, you can.

The type of oral implants we use here at High Dental are made from titanium which will not set off the metal detectors at an airport. So, you are free to travel via aeroplane with implants!

The fitting is uncomfortable

No, it isn’t.

At High Dental, we will always ensure that before we begin any surgical procedure that your mouth is numbed with a local anaesthetic. During the process, you may feel something similar to pressure but this is normal.

Once the numbing agent fades, the implant site will likely feel sore and bruised which, once again, is normal. If you have concerns about the level of discomfort you are in, contact us for an emergency check-up.

They will fall out

It is extremely unlikely that your oral implants will fall out.

Once our team has fitted them, they will be left to sit in place and will gradually fuse to the surrounding jaw. Once they have fused (in about 3-6 months time), barring bone degeneration or an accident, they are exceedingly unlikely to fall out.

Implants are prohibitively expensive

When it comes to having oral implants from our team at High Dental, we will always try to offer you a payment plan or financing option; this will help you to spread the cost of the procedure into affordable monthly repayments to suit your budget.

So, overall, your implants won’t be prohibitively expensive after all!


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.