Had dental implants fitted? How to care for them correctly
Do you want to have oral implants fitted, but are worried that the aftercare will be extensive?
When you come to see our team to discuss dental implants Melbourne, we will be more than happy to talk you through the process, with the intention of you having implants that fuse successfully, providing you with a life-long smile.
So, what are some tips for keeping your newly fitted dental implants Melbourne healthy?
Keep your teeth clean!
This may sound like a contradiction in terms, but our team advises against brushing your newly fitted dental implants Melbourne (as this can worsen swelling); however you will also need to keep plaque at bay for the implants to fuse properly.
Plaque build-up can lead to inflammation and infection of the gums, a condition known as peri-implantitis. This can cause the gums to pull away from the implant, exposing the underlying bone and making the implant loose. If left untreated, peri-implantitis can lead to implant failure. Plaque also contains bacteria that can produce toxins that can damage the surrounding tissue and bone.
So, we recommend for the first few days post-fitting that you rinse the implant site with salt water; this will keep it clean, reduce swelling, and remove food debris.
No hard foods
It is recommended to avoid hard foods with newly fitted oral implants because they can cause the implant to shift or become loose. This is because the implant has not fully integrated with the surrounding bone yet and needs time to fuse with it. Also, hard foods can also cause abrasion to the soft tissue surrounding the implant, which can lead to bleeding, discomfort and delay in the healing process.
Avoid smoking and drinking
Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption will negatively impact the healing and integration of newly fitted oral implants.
Smoking can decrease blood flow to the implant site, slowing down the healing process and increasing the risk of implant failure. The nicotine and other chemicals in cigarettes can also cause inflammation and infection of the gums, which can lead to implant failure if left untreated.
Alcohol has a similar effect, as it can dehydrate the body and slow blood flow to the area, thus impeding the healing process.
Take pain relief
For the first few days post-fitting, you will probably need to take some pain relief.
But, be sure to take pain relief that is not blood-thinning, like ibuprofen or aspirin, as this can worsen bruising. Instead, take paracetamol.
If you notice that the discomfort is worsening, please call our team for an emergency appointment.
Stay in touch
We know that after you have had oral implants fitted, it is important that you stay in touch with our team at High Dental Implants Melbourne as much as you can. Following the fitting, there will be a lot of appointments to attend between it and the placement of the prosthetics.
Please try to attend all of them, as this will allow us to assess how well the implants are fusing and to treat any underlying issues that may be causing a delay to the fusing earlier. That way, your implants have a better chance of being successful.