Get a glowing smile with dental implants Melbourne

Picture this: somebody asks for a group photo and you don’t feel the need to run and hide. You meet a stranger in the street and you smile freely as you thank them for holding the door open for you, as you both enter the shop. Or perhaps you just look in the mirror and don’t feel deflated by the appearance of missing teeth in your mouth because the gaps have gone! If this resonates with you, because you have got missing teeth, High Dental Implants Melbourne has dental implants Melbourne that can improve your self-esteem regarding the appearance of your smile. Dental implants also protect your natural teeth and gums from more exposure to bacteria, so you could avoid having further issues with your mouth. By choosing dental implants, you are also opting for a vast array of other benefits that will give you a healthy, glowing smile. dental-implants-in-melbourne

What are dental implants?

Dental implants Melbourne are titanium screws that our implant dentist will attach to your jawbone. The screws are firmly fixed in place once the body’s tissues have healed around them, so they shouldn’t be going anywhere. With these bionic roots for your replacement teeth, crowns, bridges or dentures can then be attached to them to be securely fixed in place just like your natural teeth. They won’t need to be removed when you go to bed, they will stay in your mouth and function just like real teeth.

Why should I consider dental implants?

There are so many reasons to think about having dental implants if this is a treatment that we offer to you. Aside from the aesthetic improvement, other people won’t realise you don’t have a full set of natural teeth, so you won’t need to worry about them loosening when you are having lunch with friends and chatting to them, for example. Some replacement teeth options may give the game away, but when they’re attached to dental implants, it can be a game changer.

Another benefit of dental implants Melbourne is the fact that they do not require major surgery. You will be able to have your implants fitted in just two appointments, during which you will be given local anaesthetic. During the first appointment, we will attach the screws to your jawbone and then we leave time for the tissues to heal around them. In this interim period, we will provide you with temporary replacement teeth; when you come for your final appointment, we will then switch these for your permanent replacement teeth, once the mouth has healed.

To look after your dental implants, you won’t need to worry about having to do anything special or complicated; all you need to do is brush and floss regularly, and come and see us for your routine dental check-ups. Looking after your dental implants, as you would your natural teeth, will mean that you could have them for a lifetime.

And, don’t worry about changing your diet for your replacement teeth; with dental implants, you can continue to eat whatever you fancy. Hard and chewy foods, for example, don’t have to be off the menu for you – chomp away!

Come and see us

If you are interested in finding out more about dental implants, book in for an initial consultation with us to find out whether or not this is the right treatment for you. We will examine your mouth thoroughly and we will discuss the treatment options with you, answering as many questions as you want us to. We’re here to ensure that you make an informed decision about the treatment that you want to have and get you a glowing smile on your face that you can feel great about!

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.