Dental implants Melbourne: how to get a smile to shout about!

When you have missing teeth, you can be forgiven for not feeling like smiling too much. Having gaps in your smile might be making you feel self-conscious if you are concerned about the aesthetics of doing so. However, aside from appearances and improving your self-esteem, replacing the gaps in your smile is also important for your oral health, as gaps leave any remaining healthy teeth you have, and the gums, exposed more to bacteria and further problems could arise. Dental implants Melbourne are a convenient and reliable method of replacing missing teeth. At High Dental Implants Melbourne, we specialise in dental implants and have a highly experienced team, who can help to get you smiling again. dental-implants-melbourne

What are dental implants?

Dental implants Melbourne consist of metal screws that are attached to the jawbone, where you have gaps in your smile. The screws are embedded into the jawbone, when the body’s tissues heal around them. This of course takes a bit of time and is the reason you will need two appointments to have them completed. During the first appointment, we will attach the screws and then fix temporary replacement teeth to them. While the body’s tissues heal, you will have a complete smile, but on the second appointment, we will attach the permanent replacement teeth. Replacement teeth are either crowns, bridges or dentures, depending on how many teeth you need to have replaced.

Why should I consider dental implants?

Dental implants Melbourne have many positive points that make them a great treatment option. Firstly, implants are designed to function like natural teeth, so you won’t need to worry about taking them out at night or removing them to clean. In fact, implants are fixed rigidly like your natural teeth, so no matter what you eat or drink, or how much talking you do, you should be able to have confidence that they won’t give the game away that you don’t have a mouth full of natural teeth. Other people won’t realise that you don’t have all of your natural teeth, therefore, and you can continue to smile away happily in the knowledge that your smile looks really attractive aesthetically!

Another reason to love dental implants is the fact that you won’t need to have major surgery for them. They are fitted using local anaesthetic, so you shouldn’t need to worry about recovery time afterwards. What’s more, you can take care of your implants easily by simply brushing and flossing your teeth as normal, and by having regular routine dental check-ups with us. If you do this, then you could have your dental implants for a lifetime.

Anything else I need to know?

To find out if dental implants would be the right treatment for you, all you need to do is book in for a consultation with our implant dentist. During this appointment, they will be able to examine your mouth thoroughly and advise you on which treatments would be suitable for you. If dental implants are an option, you could have a complete smile with same day teeth – that’s definitely a reason to smile your best smile!

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.