Dental implants at High Dental Implants Melbourne

If you are thinking of replacing your missing teeth, then Implants could be the treatment for you. Our highly-skilled dentists can help to bring your smile back, as well help your self-confidence.high-dental-implants

How does it work?

Firstly, you will visit us here at High Dental Implants Melbourne for a consultation meeting. This stage is very important as it allows us to examine your mouth and identify which gaps you want to fill and if you are eligible for the treatment. If all goes well, we will take further scans of your teeth so we are able to see how strong the bone is and map out the location of where the implant will go. These scans will also allow us to see the shape of your other teeth and match the custom-made crown as closely as possible to them to create the natural look.

The next stage of this treatment is the insertion of a metal screw into your jawbone, this is what will hold the crown at a later date. If the sound of this treatment makes you feel nervous, try not to worry too much as we have sedation options available if you want them. This screw will be left to heal and fuse with the bone to ensure that it will be as stable as possible. The length of the time that this will take all depends on the condition of your mouth and how strong your bone is.

Once the area is healed, then you can come back for a quick appointment with us to attach the crown to the screw. This completes the treatment and you will be ready to go and enjoy life with your new smile! We recommend that you come back and visit us here at High Dental Implants Melbourne for a follow-up appointment a couple of weeks after the crown is attached so we can make sure everything is going smoothly.

What are the advantages?

There are many life benefits that come with having our implants, and all of them can help contribute to higher self-esteem and more smiles!

Our patients love the natural look of these implants, and that is why they are only growing in popularity! Other people that see your mouth would never even know you have the implants in if you didn’t tell them. This is why we at High Dental Implants Melbourne are so proud to offer this treatment, as it can really help to boost our patient’s confidence.

The ease of taking care of the implants is also another huge benefit, all you have to do is follow the usual oral hygiene method that anyone without implants would do! Making sure that you regularly brush and floss, as well as having regular dental check-ups with us are all key to prolonging the life of your implants. The care routine of the implants is no different from your natural teeth, meaning that you don’t have to worry about committing to any new cleaning techniques.

These implants also act just like your natural teeth, meaning that you won’t need to worry about restricting what food you eat, because who would want to do that? You can enjoy all of your favourite foods without having to worry about having the embarrassment of your implants falling out.


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.