Considering having dental implants fitted? A basic guide procedure by High Dental Implants Melbourne

When you have decided that the gap in your smile has got to go, you have three choices. You can either have a bridge fitted to hold a single prosthetic tooth in place, you can embrace your gap, or you can approach our team at High Dental Implants for a more permanent solution.

High dental implant in Melbourne

While bridges used to be advisable for most dental patients who had gaps, the metal bridge itself can cause erosion to your surrounding teeth. Also, just like dentures, many patients had to find a suitable dental adhesive to hold the bridge firmly in place. And, of course, like dentures, bridges are prone to moving; causing sore spots on the gum line and inflammation.

You may be forgiven for trying to ignore a gap to the back of your mouth, but if you have lost a tooth at the front of your mouth, it is likely that you will want it concealed!

When you come to our practice, our team will hide that pesky gap with dental implants in Melbourne. Permanent, natural looking and stable, these offer patients a brilliant alternative to bridges or dentures and will not cause rubbing on your gums! Brilliant!

Curious to learn more about dental implants in Melbourne? Read on for our guide to these modern dental restorations.

Initial consultation

When you decide that dental implants in Melbourne are for you, book an initial consultation with our team.

During this appointment, our dentists will assess the overall health of your mouth, enquire about your lifestyle and take X-rays of your jaw(s) to see if you have the required amount of bone for implants to be fitted to.

If our team decides you are suitable for the traditional endosteal implant, great! If not, you may be suited to a different type of implant, such as the zygomatic or micro options.

The fitting

The part that most patients worry about is the implant fitting.

During this procedure, our team will numb the chosen site of the implant, so when the incision into the gum is performed, there will be no discomfort.

Using a small drill, our dentists will drill into your jawbone and place the implant(s) in the desired location. Once completed, your gums will be sewn up with dissolvable stitches and the fitting is completed!

After this, you may feel a bruising around the implant site; this is completely normal and should fade within a few days. If you are concerned about the level of discomfort you are in, seek medical attention immediately.


After about 3-6 months, your jawbone will have grown around the implant, securing it firmly in place.

Now for the fun part! Our team will now be able to fit your prosthetic (or false) teeth to the implants. Screwed firmly into position, your new teeth will be immovable, allowing for a more natural look and feel when biting and chewing. Brilliant!


Implants and the prosthetics require minimal aftercare, but it is vital for their longevity that you brush them, floss them and attend biannual check-ups with our dental team to keep them healthy.


All dental treatments carry potential risks. Contact your local dental team for more information about the procedures mentioned in this article.