Aftercare tips for a dental implant

Have you just had an oral implant fitted and need some pointers?dental-implants-melbourne

Our team at High Dental knows all there is to know about caring for a dental implant Melbourne and is more than happy to offer some pointers!

Here, our team provides some aftercare tips if you have had a dental implant Melbourne fitted.

Keep the site clean

It is an odd day indeed when a dental team advises against brushing, but if you have just had a dental implant Melbourne fitted, then we are likely to do just that!

The implant site is likely to be sore and swollen for a while and as a result, you will want to keep bruising of the area to a minimum to prevent bleeding, worsening swelling and to prevent the introduction of debris to the site. This is easily addressed by cleaning the area with salt water as needed, until our team specifies it is appropriate to clean the site with a soft-bristled brush.

No pressure

A newly fitted oral implant may seem sturdy, but until it fuses, it can be moved and thus fuse at an unusual angle.

To prevent this, we generally advise patients to not eat any hard food for the first few weeks after the implant fitting. Also, while they can seem harmless, chewy or sticky foods can also be detrimental to the fusing of an implant.

Attend check-ups

You may have assumed that having implants fitted means the end of dental appointments and check-ups; you were wrong!

After your implants are fitted, during the first few months, you will need to see our team for check-ups every 6 to 8 weeks, so we can assess the area for signs of infection and to ascertain whether or not the implants are fusing correctly.

So, when we book you an appointment post-implant fitting, please attend it!


It is very uncommon, but it does happen, so it is worth being aware of dental infections.

As is the way with any surgery, you may find that after you have had your oral implants fitted that there is some swelling and discomfort that may linger; this is somewhat normal and should fade.

But if the discomfort worsens, or if you notice angry looking swelling along with discolouration and the presence of pus, then it is worth calling our team for a same-day appointment. Infections with oral implants can have disastrous implications on the fusing and longevity, so if you suspect an infection call our team as soon as possible.


Many patients are curious about whether or not they need to give up certain aspects of their lifestyles after they have had oral implants fitted.

And, as you may have gathered, it is complicated and no one answer fits everyone. If you smoke, it is advised that you give up this habit before having oral implants fitted, to prevent the chance of infection occurring in the aftercare and, in the long term, to prevent the occurence of gum disease.

If you drink alcohol every weekend, it may be worth cutting back for a while, as this too can create a higher incidence of infection.

If you aren’t sure if there is an aspect of your lifestyle that will negatively impact your implants, then talk to our team today!


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.