Dentures with dental implants Melbourne for replacing missing teeth
Toothlessness can occur if you do not look after your teeth properly. To prevent this means brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing twice a day, rinsing your mouth with a good mouthwash before you go to bed at night as well as maintaining a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle. This includes avoiding sugary treats, sweets, chocolates and fizzy drinks as much as possible and staying clear of smoking and drugs. It is also important that you visit the dentist for regular check-ups and regular professional cleaning, so that plaque and tartar do not build up on your teeth. If they do, plaque and tartar can weaken the enamel by causing small holes in the teeth which result in tooth decay or by creeping underneath your gum line to cause gum disease, sometimes both, and eventually this can have irreversible effect on your teeth and result in tooth loss. If you do not visit the dentist urgently then this can cause damage to your remaining teeth and cause complete toothlessness, or in medical terms you will be edentulous.
If this is the case then here at High Dental Implants Melbourne we can help you replace all of your teeth with a combination of dental implants Melbourne and dentures. There are two main types of dentures. Traditional dentures are those that fit onto your gums and can be taken out of your mouth and replaced as required. The second type is dental implant retained dentures. These are an excellent alternative to traditional dentures. They help you replace both arches of your teeth and are fixed into your mouth for comfort, confidence and convenience. With 4 dental implants Melbourne we can replace a full arch of your teeth. With 8 dental implants Melbourne we can replace all of your teeth.
Dental implant retained dentures help restore the appearance of your smile. They help restore the function of your mouth so that you can eat properly, speak properly and continue with all your daily activities as you did before losing your teeth. They also help prevent gum recession and bone decay which are common side effects of missing teeth.
Gum and bone loss
When you lose your teeth, the gums no longer have anything to support so they lose their purpose. As a result, the gum tissue begins to shrink or recede. At the same time the quality of the gum tissue deteriorates, becoming thin in the area around the empty space. In the same way your body no longer needs the jawbone, so it deteriorates and studies show that in the first year 25% of bone is lost, and this bone loss continues with time.
Dental implants
This is why it is important to replace your teeth as soon as possible. If you have a single tooth or a few teeth to replace, then you can undergo traditional dental implants. These are small titanium screws that will be inserted into your jaw. Within 4 to 6 months they should heal and you can replace them with a crown or a set of partial dentures depending on where your missing teeth are located. If you are edentulous then an impression will be taken of your gums and a full set of dentures will be designed and manufactured for you.
Speak to us at High Dental Implants Melbourne today to find out more.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.