Successful dental implant surgery with dental implants Melbourne

Dental implants Melbourne are the most popular way of replacing missing teeth here at our practice. They provide a long-term solution for tooth loss, helping to combat the array of issues that occur due to missing teeth. Dental implants Melbourne are strong titanium screws that are placed directly into the bone sockets of your missing teeth. It involves a surgical procedure and does take time for you to replace your tooth or teeth, but once in place you will have a restoration lasting for 10 to 15 years, if not longer. dental-implant-surgery

Firstly the gum will be cut open and a small hole will be drilled into the bone socket so that the implant can be placed into the jaw. This begins a natural healing process known as osseointegration. This is because titanium is biocompatible. When the implant comes into contact with the bone, osteoblasts begin to form around the implant so that the implant can become fully incorporated into the jawbone. This is a gradual process that requires many months and can take between 3 to 6 months depending on your body’s healing ability.

Factors affecting successful recovery

This will be unsuccessful in patients suffering from gingivitis or periodontitis and it is important that any form of gum disease is treated prior to undergoing dental implant surgery. If you smoke then this also increases the probability of dental implant failure. This is because nicotine and carbon monoxide prevent adequate blood supply from reaching the jaw and therefore inhibits the body’s ability to heal properly. You need to be committed to quit smoking if you want to replace your teeth with dental implants Melbourne.

How to promote successful recovery

During the healing process, it is important that you maintain good dental hygiene so that your mouth remains clean and free of infection, otherwise it can prolong the process. Painkillers can help ease the treatment and you may be given a course of antibiotics and recommended a good mouthwash so that again your mouth will remain clean and free of infection. It is normal for your gums to bleed during the recovery process and most people notice that their saliva is pink because it is tinged with blood for the first few days. You may also notice some swelling the first few days after the procedure and by using an ice pack you can reduce or minimise swelling and any bruising that may be associated with the surgery.

Once your dentist is happy that the implant is fully embedded into the jaw the gum will be cut open so that the implant can be exposed once more. It will be fitted with a healing cap so that the gum can heal around the implant. It is important that you do not disturb the healing cap with your tongue as pushing against it may loosen the implant. By biting on some gauze you can prevent your tongue from putting pressure on the healing cap. After a few weeks we will unscrew the healing cap and you will be given an abutment that is fitted onto the implant to which your choice of prosthetic will sit. You can have a crown or a set of partial dentures or a full set of dentures depending on your dental needs. Speak to us at High Dental Implants Melbourne today and find out more about dental implant surgery and successful recovery to replace your missing teeth, possibly for life.

Disclaimer: All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.